World Map Hit Tracker

Friday, 29 September 2017

Grand Parade, Jump Jam, and Kapa Haka.

Our Animal Handlers! What a fabulous job you did today, with your well-cared for and well-trained animals!

Millie-Ana and Sparky.

Maggie and Cherry.

Jai and Marley. 

Nyla and Opal.

Wyatt and Diamond.

Ella K and Maisy.

Fun in the hall for the non-animal handlers.

Boys and cardboard boxes...!

Mural colouring in.

Cardboard box construction.

More mural colouring in.

More boys and boxes!!

Vehicles, hats...



Our Ag Day Table Displays

Calendar art. Grrrowlll!

Gumboot totem pole.

Lost property planters.

A special thanks to Candace Stevenson (Ella M's mum) who helped us with these awesome gardening projects!

Our Classroom on Ag Day - what an awesome display!

Special thanks to Nick Haver and Rosjier Lammers for their help with our Sound Wall.

Sound Wall - a Room 6 and 7 Collaborative Effort!

We have almost finished attaching our noise makers to one side!

Our Sound Wall should be ready for noisy action in Term 4!

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Milller's Ag Day Project!

You may not know it, but when you are a Middle or a Senior, you are expected to create your own Ag Day project at home. Miller's big brother Mason was busy making his, so Miller decided to join in and make his own! He finalised all the details and did all the painting himself. 

Miller, what an great effort! You can be so proud of your awesome work!

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Happy Birthday, Kyle!!!

That's what a proud seven year old, with a clever cookie mum, looks like!

Blow out the candles, make a wish, Kyle!

We all got a cake pop, even Mrs Lammers and Miss Brunker!!! (It has been a VERY naughty day!)

Kyle did a great job of calling his classmates up to select their cake pop.

... and we all did a great job of remembering our beautiful manners.

We took our treat to the mat and watched the start of a Shrek movie.

Thanks for your kindness, Kyle!

You made an awesome king/sheriff today!!!

What a lot of fun we had today...

Super fun in Super Six - you guys rock!